
Friday, October 7, 2011

5 Bodybuilding Mistakes That SCREAM “Beginner”!

Everyone (even Arnold) had to start somewhere, right?

For the beginner, bodybuilding can be confusing.

All those machines… all those metal plates… all those no-neck brutes to laugh at you if you find yourself flipping around like a hooked bass when the barbell is resting on your Adam’s Apple after an unsuccessful last rep.

Spare yourself the embarrassment and you’ll also get faster results from your muscle-building battle plan.

Follow these 5 powerful beginner bodybuilding tips and you can enter the upper ranks of gym rats at your local iron jungle in no time…

Bodybuilding Mistake #1:

You can’t just go into a gym, jerk some weights around, drink protein powder and walk out rippling.

Unfortunately, even “experienced” lifters go to the gym without a game plan, and frankly, it’s holding you back if you’re one of these guys.

Know what you’re going to do BEFORE you step out of the locker room – have it in writing – and follow it every workout

Bodybuilding Mistake #2:

Pick up weight… jerk up… drop down… repeat.

Bodybuilding is simple, right?

No so fast there sparky!

I’ve stopped counting the number of knuckleheads I’ve seen in the gym who think of themselves as “experienced” yet have horrible form!

Do yourself a favor and take a course on bodybuilding or hire a personal trainer for a few sessions to learn the proper form for your exercises.

Don’t get sloppy. Don’t rush. Bad form just wastes your time.

Good form takes balance, flexibility, and concentration – all good things.

Use good form, and you get great results.

Bodybuilding Mistake #3:

Don’t trust everything you read in magazines about supplements.

Guess which products they’ll push?

Many magazines are nothing more than glorified ads aimed at beginner bodybuilding suckers.

Don’t get drawn into a bunch of expensive supplements because some juiced-up pro is holding a bottle of it, claiming it’s what created his mountains of muscle.

A great bodybuilding workout plan and proper nutrition will serve you WAY better than any supplement ever will!

Bodybuilding Mistake #4:

Be patient!

You build muscle by taxing it in the gym and then allowing your body to repair the microscopic tears you caused.

This takes time – about a week for each targeted muscle group – and patience.

If you’re tempted to overdo it – a common beginner bodybuilding mistake – it’s like taking the lid off a pot of water you want to boil.

It’ll never happen because you keep interrupting the process.

Start by only training each muscle group just one time per week and then experiment with your own frequency after that.

Keep your workouts short but intense.

Don’t work out more than an hour a day 3-5 days a week.

Go past that, and your workout’s working against you.

If you work efficiently, you don’t have to live at the gym.

Bodybuilding Mistake #5:

Don’t overestimate your capabilities.

It’s tempting to load up the bar with a bunch of plates to try to NOT look like a “beginner”, but believe me, nothing screams “newbie” more than some guy with horrible form because he’s attempting too much weight.

Plus, you’re just inviting a nagging injury that can keep you out of the gym for weeks as you heal.

Start with a lighter weight and stick with absolutely perfect form and you’ll see the best results from your bodybuilding workout!

These (obviously) aren’t the only mistakes I’m sure you’ve noticed, right?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Post-exercise "NO-NO" if you want great results...

I know you've been told that what you eat after exercise is
critically important when you want to increase fatburning.

After you train, you need to feed your muscles protein and carbs
to begin the recovery process, right?

But will the extra calories sabotage the melting process you just
triggered at the gym?Should you skip your post-workout meal to allow your body to continue to piggyback off of your calorie deficit and slowly burn away more fat?

Fact is, there’s a very specific biological process that happens to your body after your workout.

What You Eat After Your Workout Can
Make Or Break Your Weight Loss Program!

It’s true.

What you eat after your workout can either skyrocket your results…or send you into a muscle-wasting, fat-accumulating tailspin!

You see, after your training, your muscles are desperate for support.

They’re low on sugar and the muscle tissue itself is primed to be broken down and wasted away as fuel.

When you skip a meal after your workout, your muscles go from a slow muscle-losing descent…to a MAYDAY NOSEDIVE!

The result is that your metabolism actually slows down, you become more lethargic, and you end up burning muscle instead of fat.

And since muscle is your body’s “fat-burning engine”, this will make it even harder for you to lose weight.

In short, NEVER skip your post-workout meal!

They’re low on sugar and the muscle tissue itself is primed to be broken down and wasted away as fuel.

But WHAT you eat after your workout should be very SPECIFIC to your fitness goal…

What To Eat After Your Workout
To Lose Weight Fast…

To burn more fat after your workout, you’ll want to keep your protein intake high.

Protein is thermogenic (meaning it burns fat just in the digestion process alone) and it will help you build and maintain healthy lean muscle tissue.

But you have to gauge your carbohydrate intake based upon your current weight loss progress and what you want to achieve.

If your workout was high intensity you still want to stick to your high-glycemic carbs (higher sugar content) after your workout (but not as much – just one serving or so)
But if your workout was low-intensity or if you’re just trying to get rid of those last few pounds, you should actually stick to a LOW GLYCEMIC carb source to go with your protein!
If you’re already at super low body fat levels, you need to avoid raising your insulin at all and so you actually have to go “low glycemic” all the time to force your body to turn to fat for every little scrap of energy.
By paying close attention to your post-workout meal, you can see faster results from your weight loss program and avoid the frustrating plateaus that can sabotage your progress.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Strange Mass Building Workout Trick

If your goal is to build muscle mass, one of the key factors you must know is the role various muscle fibers play in stimulating muscle growth.

For example, you have 7 total types of muscle fibers.

The major types we’re going to address now are Types I, IIa, and IIb.

Type I muscle fibers are endurance-oriented muscle fibers. They work in higher rep ranges and during aerobic exercise.

Type IIa muscle fibers work when the weight is moderate-to-heavy (e.g. 6 to 12 reps per set).
Type IIb muscle fibers are the explosive muscle fibers – low reps and heavy weight.

Now in everyday training, your body wants to conserve energy by recruiting as FEW muscle fibers as possible to get the job done,.

That means that by the end of your workout, many muscle fibers are left underworked and undeveloped.

In other words, you’re seriously missing out on a TON of muscle if you train the “normal” way most guys do!

But What If You Could Trigger A
Mass Building Explosion By Giving
ALL Of Your Muscle Fibers An Intense Workout…

…All In Just One Set?

That’s where my brutal “Triple Add Sets” come in!

Here’s how it works…

Instead of doing a “drop” set where you start heavy and reduce the weight, we’re going to start with a light weight and INCREASE the weight!

The Triple Add Set technique will first exhaust your Type I muscle fibers with light weights and high reps.

Then it will work the Type IIa muscle fibers by moving to heavier weights and moderate reps.

On the third and final part of the set, very heavy weights will be used.

Your Type IIb fibers will be activated by that.

By the time you’re done with the Triple Add Set, you will have recruited almost every available muscle fiber in the target muscle!

How To Perform This Strange Mass Building “Trick”…

Start with a light weight and do a high-rep set, e.g. 30+ reps. Your muscles will be burning. This will hit the Type I endurance muscle fibers and fill the target muscles with blood.

Rest 10 seconds to flush out enough of the waste products that have accumulated in your muscles for you to keep going. This is about the time it takes to switch weights on the machine or grab a new set of dumbbells.

Next, you’ll move on to a somewhat heavier weight (about “double-ish” what you used on the first set) and aim for about 6 to 8 reps. This will hit the Type IIa muscle fibers (the moderate-to-heavy oriented fibers).

Take 10 seconds rest again.

After that, you will do your last set with a heavy weight, going for only 1 to 3 reps. This will work on strength and connective tissue while focusing on the Type IIb muscle fibers (the very heavy and explosive fibers). This weight should be another fairly substantial increase in load.

Your muscles will feel incredibly hard and pumped up with a deep burning sensation. The effect of this type of training is immediately noticeable and VERY powerful.

It will take a little practice to figure out what weights you’ll be using.

This is a training stimulus your body will most likely NEVER have experienced before.

The first two Add Sets worked the majority of your muscle fibers – every fiber you’ve got now has to kick in and fire to move the weight in the third Add Set!

It’s extremely hard and extremely effective.

You’ll either love it or dread it but it works!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Powerful Workout Muscle Pumper “Super Fruit”!

Those of us who eat 45lb iron plates for breakfast LIVE for that awesome “pumped up” feeling you get after an intense set of bicep curls, right?

That muscle “pump” is the result of a naturally occurring molecule, nitric oxide (abbreviated “NO”), that dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow throughout your body.

Bottom line…

…the more nitric oxide you have in your body, the more of a “pump” you’ll get from your curls, flyes, presses, etc.

(And yes…the “pump” DOES help increase muscle size as over time by promoting capillary expansion, increasing blood pathway size, and increasing nutrient update.)

So how can you increase your natural levels of nitric oxide for a better pump?

How To Increase Nitric Oxide To
Build Muscle Fast

Sure, nitric oxide supplements (NO2) have become all the rage in the supplement industry for nailing that “pump”.
Here’s an easy way to naturally increase NO2 for more muscle gains…

About 30-45 minutes BEFORE your workout…

…eat an ORANGE!

Oranges are high in VITAMIN C which are a potent “protector” of nitric oxide levels in your body, thereby making more available during your workouts.

Then, in your post-workout protein shake, throw in ANOTHER orange (preferred) or pour in about 1 cup of natural orange juice.

This double shot of vitamin C will pack a powerful pump punch that will have you feeling good…and looking good!

Post-Workout “Muscle Pumper” Recipe

In a blender, combine:

1 cup of fat free plain yogurt

1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1/4 cup raw honey

1 whole orange or 1 cup natural orange juice

5 frozen strawberries

1/2 frozen banana

2 Tbsp flax oil or coconut milk

2 scoops vanilla whey protein isolate powder


Monday, August 29, 2011

Does "LowCarb" REALLY work best?

Do “low carb” diets work best for weight loss management?

In a word?


A recent look at 87 long term studies have proven that when it comes to fat burning, reducing your carb intake DOES work best.

BUT…“Low carb” diets can be VERY frustrating for most people and hard to stick

Weight Loss Management Low Carb Diet:

My friend's Low Carb Disaster…

As an experiment a few years ago, a friend of mine went 10 full days with ZERO carbohydrates.

I mean, not even a blade of GRASS in his diet…straight protein…not a single carb or gram of fat in sight.

The result?


No, I don’t mean that “figuratively”…I mean he LITERALLY went INSANE!

he went from near sobbing fits over his computer not working properly to hysterical laughter at the thought of even undertaking such an experiment.

You see, your brain NEEDS carbs just to function properly so doing without any at all was an extreme example of how your body does need to get some carbs to function.

So how can you burn fat using low carb diet plan WITHOUT worrying about whether you’ll be fitted for a straight jacket?

The Real Secret To Weight Loss Management:

Low Carb Diet The Right Way…
For weight loss management, low carb diets are a double-edged sword.

Too many carbs and your weight loss will stall…

Too few carbs and you won’t have the mental stamina to make your weight loss program last.

But just the right amount of carbs at just the right time and you can actually burn more fat AND feel great doing it!

The key is not to focus solely on “low carb” but instead…

…limit your intake of “dry” carbs and fill up on “wet” carbs!

This is a little twist I’ve created that allows you to EASILY reduce the WRONG kind of carbs WITHOUT counting calories and NEVER going hungry.

You see, you need more carbs on training days to help your muscles recover from your exercise.

Therefore, you can consume 2-4 servings of “Dry Carbs” on those days (like oatmeal, pasta, bread, etc.)

“Wet Carbs” include most vegetables and fruits and don’t contain a lot of carbs so you can eat MUCH more of these each day.

Use them as “fillers” in your diet to keep from getting hungry and helping you avoid the real culprits…those “dry carbs”.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

DOES YOUR BACK HURT (when you stand up)?

I spend a lot of time sitting down in front of my computer.

It used to be that when I finally took a break, the pain would shoot through my lower back when I stood up.

This was a serious problem for me!

I’m not unlike most of the working stiffs who spend their jobs hunched over a keyboard for most of the day.

Is this you?

Do you spend a lot of time sitting down?

Do you have a stiff lower back pain when you stand up?

Back Pain Relief From Sitting Down Too Long

The first step to solving the type of back pain caused by long periods of sitting is to understand where it comes from.

In most cases, the pain is caused by muscular imbalance.

An imbalance can occur anytime you use one set of muscles in your body more than others.

Some muscles are not used enough and become weaker while others are used too much and can become sore, painful, or damaged.

For example, when sitting down for a long time, the muscles that are actively bent to hold your body in a sitting position (hip flexors, hamstrings, back) will get tighter and tighter the longer you sit.

They will contract more and more while your core muscles on the front of your body – your abdominal muscles and pelvic region – remain slack and loose and don’t really help to support yourbody.

This creates an imbalance as your lower back is working much harder than your abdominals.

Back Pain Relief From Muscular Imbalances
Caused By Sitting Too Long

In order to prevent and relieve the pain caused by muscular imbalances, you have to routinely stretch out the muscles that don’t get enough use and which may suffer most from sitting for long periods of time.

This would include the following muscles primarily:

Hip flexors


Lower back.

The hip flexors and hamstrings are the muscles that suffer the most from excessive sitting because they are near the areas of your body that sit in a bent position while sitting (knees and hips).

Your lower back suffers as well because it supports your entire body and is between the parts of your body being used and those that are not being used.

How To Get Long-Term Back Pain Relief…

Stretching your imbalanced muscles out on a routine basis is going to help a lot with lower back pain caused by excessive sitting.

Yet, you still need to change your lifestyle and daily choices to completely find long term relief.

Make sure you stand up and move around at regular intervals for short periods of time in your work day to break up your sitting periods.

Also, you may find back pain relief by changing the way you hold your legs or propping them up so they aren’t bent the same way all the time.

And of course, regular exercise is a great way to strengthen all muscles in your body so you acheive more balance in full body support and keeping your lower back tight.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Supplement To Build Muscle And Burn Fat At The Same Time!

All but lost is a little-known “old school” supplement that used to be one of pro bodybuilding’s best supplements to build muscle for when competitors were trying to shed crazy amounts of body fat but needed to hold on to as much muscle as possible.

Why haven’t you heard of it as often?

Well quite frankly, over the years, individual supplements just haven’t been as sexy as the high priced “breakthrough formulas” being marketed…and not as profitable for the supplement companies!

So what is this amazing (yet boring) supplement that can dramatically increase fat-burning while helping keep the muscle mass you’ve worked so hard for?

It’s called “Medium Chain Triglycerides” (MCT’s) and it’s one of those few supplements that has been PROVEN to work!
Why MCT’s Are One Of The Best Supplements
To Build Muscle And Burn Fat…

MCT’s most often come in the form of an oil (either by itself in supplement form or in coconut oil) and is itself a FAT…

…a fat that actually BURNS FAT!

You see, MCT’s are digested differently than other fats.

For one, they CANNOT trigger fat storage no matter how much you take!

Weird…but TRUE!

Also, they produce a LOT of energy and are burned very quickly, thereby saving your muscles from being broken down for fuel during cycles of intense training.
How To Take This “Old School”
SupplementTo Build Muscle…

To include MCT oil in your supplement program, you can take a tablespoon by itself during dieting cycles when you need extra energy but don’t want to increase your calories.

The best times are immediately upon waking or about 20-30 minutes before weight training.Give this “lost supplement” a try if your goal is to burn body fat while you’re still training with weights.

It’s very inexpensive and its ability to help you to maintain your energy levels and workout intensity while shedding body fat makes it one of best supplements to build muscle and burn fat at the same time!